Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Ever since we moved in six years ago, we have hated a certin tree in our yard. This certin tree litters pine cones by massive propotions on a daily basis onto our driveway and the road in frount of our house. Well, finally, today, we got rid of that sucker! Some guys came on over and choped that sappy piece of pine to the ground. When the men first came, I went out to talk to them. Lauren was dressed in a fairy costume. They looked at her and said "Oh, your a little princess." Lauren replied "Yeah (in a bored dismissive tone). Um, but, I am a little nervous about this tree. Are you going to cut it right so it won't fall on my house?" It was cute. The guy just looked a little suprised that this was coming out of someone so small. He said "Yeah, we'll be carefull." Then Lauren said, "OK. Are you sure you know what your doing?" Haha. The guy told me that he has never heard a little girl talk that grown up before. She is a funny girl.

Here is the guy choping some notches into the tree. They were very good. They had one guy choping and two guys in the road to watch for cars and people.

And down she comes! It really did make a cracking noise like it does in the movies. Our next door neighbors were out watching and so were our neighbors across the street. It was pretty cool to watch it come down.

Then they all converged on the tree and started cutting off the branches with their chain saws.

While the tree was being chain sawed into little poratable peices, I went across the street and talked for a little bit with my neighbor. She has two little boys. Her youngest is a year older then Lauren. Connor gave Lauren rides on the back of his bike. Yep. I totally saw my future right before my eyes. My little girl, riding away from me on the back of some guys bike.

Heaven help me with all those boys and their bikes. After a couple of hours the work was done.

How does it look? Very nice, yes? (I totally thought that in Borats voice, so when you read it you have to do it with the Borat voice). They were three of some of the hardest working guys I have seen in a long time. They did an excellent job. They were fast and efficent. If anyone needs to have a tree cut down-we would totally recomend these guys. And one last picture that has nothing to do with today but it is just so stinkin' cute.

This is how Lauren fell asleep last night. One minute she was gabbing away about I don't know what. I went into the kitchen for something and when I came out, I saw Lauren asleep in this crazy position. And yes, I totally get that she is wearing the exact same dress. She has worn it now for three days straight. I am going to pry it off of her tonight if it is the last thing I do. I love how they have there favorite little outfits :)


Kayli said...

Wow, that tree was huge, I bet it feels nice to be rid of it! Lauren is so cute, Austin always falls asleep in the funniest positions too! I would love to get together, e-mail me your phone # and we can plan a day, kaylibb@hotmail.com

Hilary said...

Such cute pictures! I love the ones of her riding with the little boy, arms wrapped tightly around him. Good luck with that in the future! ;-)

Michelle said...

That last picture of Lauren sleeping is hilarious. That doesn't look very comfortable to me :). She is so cute and I love that she talks so grown up. That was a big tree. It will be nice not to have all those pine cones!

John and Sherri said...

Wow, that was a big tree! It does look good. Lauren is adorable, I know I've said that before, but she is!

Keri said...

Lauren is so stinkin cute. Yes, I do think it looks nice - I hate pine trees anyway. I don't think they look as nice as other trees and they are always messy - pinecones and the needles. Hate it!