Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Evan turns 3, and update overload!!

On Sunday September 12th, Evan crossed over from two to three. It amazes me how fast the time has just flown by. Lauren is now in school and Evan is a full fledged little boy. Not so much my baby boy any more. This next part is mostly for me to remember my sweet sweet boy and how he was at this age.

Evan is a super soft and sensitive little boy. He hates any kind of change. He loves his big sister to pieces and thinks she can do no wrong. When I put Lauren in time out the other day for hitting him, he was worried about her. When she came out of time out, I told her to apologize to Evan. She went over to him and gave him a hug (which is all part of the "apologize" process in our house)and said "I am sorry I hit you Buddy." To which Evan replied, "I'm sorry Mommy put you in time out." He loves toy story, Iron Man, and-just like his daddy-Star Wars. His favorite part is the AT-ATs. He loves the "big big big BIG walking robots!!" He is a cuddler. He loves to just cuddle up to Chad or I. He will sit on our laps forever, not moving, just cuddling. He is always laughing and smiling, except when faced with a situation that is new to him. (remember how he hates change). I love my little man and I am so honored to be him mom. He teaches me about unconditional pure love everyday. Happy Birthday Buddy Boy.

Since his birthday was on a Sunday, we just had a small celebration with just us. He didn't seem to mind to much.

I took a couple of pictures before church with Evan in his big boy church suit. No more nice pants and shirt combo from old navy any more. He goes to nursery in style.

After church and naps, (what? Doesn't everyone take afternoon naps on Sundays?) we opened his presents. I wish I had taken some pictures of him opening his presents, but I didn't. Afterward, we sang Happy Birthday to him.

I don't think he appreciated our attempts at harmonizing.

Chad let Evan lick the frosting off of his candle....

...but I am thinking that the kid got a little more then frosting. He did say "umm..good." I guess anything frosted in cream cheese frosting would just about taste "umm..good."

In the end, it was a great birthday. Nice and quit, but full of fun and lots of love. And Evan is so cute this year. If you ask him if he is two years old, he will vehemently reply "NO! I three."

This summer has flown by for me. Because I have been working so much, we havn't done anything at all. I haven't even been to the pool. Not once this year. I do feel bad for that, and I am determined to make it up to them next summer. However, Lauren and Evan didn't need to look further then their own back yard for a great time. They love our trampoline and spend many hours out there on it. Jumping, playing in the sprinklers, cloud watching, and cuddled up in blankets reading books to each other. One afternoon, Lauren asked if she and Evan could draw on the trampoline with their sidewalk chalk. I told her to go ahead, knock yourself out. Then I grabbed the camera.

This year, Lauren has discovered her love of bugs. I have posted a couple of examples of her buggy lovin' in the past. Most of the time, I think it is cute. I just don't like the one time she tried to rescue a grasshopper from a spider web. She brought the grasshopper in the house and tried, in vain, to nurse it back to health. She wouldn't let me put it outside. I had to wait until she went to bed to put the dead thing outside. In the morning, she was so excited that the grasshopper recovered and hopped away, I just couldn't tell her the truth. She loves to bring in all of her new creepy crawly friends in the house to show me, and urges me to "just pet it mommy." *shudder* Her latest "friends" was a group of caterpillars that she found on the underside of a leaf.

At least it wasn't a June Bug, which she tried to get me to hold one day. She loves all living things. I really think that one day, when she figures out where meat comes from, she might end up being the world's youngest vegetarian by choice. She is so sweet. But she is an even sweeter sister. Evan loves her. It doesn't matter what they are doing together, he is just in awe of all that she does. Her attention means the world to him.

Who knows what they are laughing at here, but they are in hysterics. That is just what they do. I feel lucky that they are such good friends. I am hoping that this friendship will follow them through out their lives. When I picked up Lauren today from school, they both wanted to go over to the Friendship park for a while. Because I was talking to a friend of mine I told them to walk over and I will be right there (fyi: you can totally see the park from the pick up zone at Lauren's school.) They held hands the whole way to the park and my friend asked if they were always like that. I felt so much love for them as I watched them walk hand in hand. And yes, they are always like that. They bicker and fight as siblings do, but they love each other so much and love to be around each other. I do feel so lucky to have the little ones that I do have.

Now, if you made it this far into this blog post, then you either have a real lack of reading material or you really truly care about the comings and goings of our little family. Either way, I am glad you stuck it out. I love my family and I am so proud of the way that they are growing up and growing together. I don't mind so much my kids getting older, just as long as the love we have for each other grows at the same rate.


John and Sherri said...

I love it! Your kids are so dang cute:)It's obvious they get a lot of love and have a lot of fun that's what they'll remember!!!

Rachael said...

Happy Birthday Evan. It looks like so much fun.