Friday, January 23, 2009

A cardboard playland

Chad brought home some cardboard boxes from work today. Lauren and Vin went crazy for them. They had so much fun. Chad made them a little tunel. They played in it for hours. Vin has been asleep for about an hour now, but Lauren is still at in. Who needs expensive electronical gadets for your kids when you have 3 boxes, duct tape, and some crayons.


The Benoits said...

I remember doing that as a kid. Refrigerator boxes are the best, they make a great house. It's always the silliest things that keep kids entertained for hours!!

Kelly said...

I love free entertainment. Every year for Christmas Wilson says we just need to buy ourselves something big, and give the box to the girls! He thinks that's all they need to have a great Christmas, and sometimes I think he is right even though we have never done that!

Keri said...

BOXES are the best!

Hilary said...

My brother Cody (17 years old) and my daughter Annie (2.5 years old) spent days and days after Christmas just playing in the 'fort' they made out of the two gigantic cardboard boxes her new play kitchen came in . . . I think they both cried when I finally took them down! :-)

Michelle said...

So cute! I love that a box can keep little kids entertained for so long! :)

Our Story said...

That is so cool isn't it amazing what entertains Kids and ourselves. I know when every we have an empty box sitting around Kyla is usually inside it playing. no matter how big or small it is. and I can just sit and watch the whole time it's so fun to watch her imagine what ever. I was over at a friends house last night and they had made her a house out of a cardboard box I thought it was really interesting.