On Wed, we went to the Eccles Dinosaure Park up Ogden Canyon with my friend Aimee and her cute girls Haylee, Kallie and Natalie. Her little baby Natalie totally makes me want an other baby! She is this cute little angel baby! Anyway, I always love getting together with Aimee. And her little girls are Lauren's favorite little people. Everyday she asks if she can play with them. I am not sure when or how old Lauren will be when I feel ok about letting her actually "go" to someones house and play. I don't know...anyway...I got off track a little bit. It was hot and I hate the heat! But it was fun. The girls laughed and giggled and followed each other around the whole time. Lauren cryed when it was time to go, and in her most dramtic tone she let me know that "I am so sad and I am never going to be happy again." Can you say Drama Queen? I am convinced that she will win an Oscar one of these days with her flair for the dramatic.
It was hard to get them to hold still for me to get a good shot of them. This was the best that I could do.
I love my sweet sweet little guy!
These girls crack me up!! I love all of their funny faces. Goofy girls! And, easy-going Evan, just hanging out, happy to be there and do whatever.
Poor little guy-he face planted in it right into the ground. He got out of his stroller right when I started to go. Lucky for me Aimee was prepared with friut snacks, ice and some acedimediphine. (I am not very orginized).
And I love this picture! Just because I love how sensitive Evan is. And how sweet Lauren is. She kept telling him "It's Ok Buddy." She is a good big sister. It was a fun day. When we got home Evan slept for a soild 4 hours and Lauren just sat and stared at the T.V (I know! Bad mommy! I let me kids watch T.V when they are tired). I love how a long day in the sun just subdues your little ones :)
The next day, we went to Wheeler Farm. Everytime I drive out there, the whole way I am so convinced that I am going the wronge way! Haha. But I always make it. I was late, of course. I really try hard to make it on time, but I just can't seem to do it even when I try and prepare. Wheeler Farm was very important to me. I got to see two of my cousins!! Yeah!! Kayli and Jill. They are closer to my little sisters age, but they both have two cute kids that are around the same age as mine. When you are younger, a 4-5 year age differece is a big deal, but when you get older, it is all the same. It really ment alot to me to see them. I loved seeing them as mommys to their little ones, and they are really such cute mommys. I love family, and I guess that is way it is so ironic that I am in the situation that I am in. I was nervous (silly I know, but I was), but I thought it turned out so fun. I really hope to do it again. We never know how people live their lives, but in essence, we are all wives and mothers trying to do what is best for our little familys. When you get talking to people, you realize that we all have the same basic struggles and dreams.
I swear that I have the cutest little monsters!! I have been so thankful lately that I get to be their mom. I am a lucky girl to have such cute, silly, adorable kids!
Petting the bunnies!! I love bunnies. If I didn't already have a zoo at our house, I would seriously want a rabit. That is my cousin Kayli with her two little boys, Austin and Caleb. While we were there, Lauren decided that she was the wife and Austin was the husband. She is a funny kid!
All the kids thought it was just hillarious to chase around this little chicken. I am thinking that the poor little chicken disagreed.
(The cute little blonde girl that looks like a living doll is my cousin Jill's little girl Jayci.)
Jayci had just gotten hurt (I can't remember how) and Lauren gave her a hug. I missed the picture just barley. Oh well.
Here are all the kids sitting in the shade. It was so stinkin' hot!! I really really don't like the heat (have I said that before?)
This picture makes me laugh! Evan loves water. He is always trying to climb into fountians and he loves his baths (hates soap though). He kept trying to get closer and closer to the water to touch it. Finally he laid on his stomache and played in the water. Goofy boy! And now to end my post-more pictures of little kids chasing a poor terrified chicken around the farm.
Looks like you guys had fun at the dinosaur park and wheeler farm :). We have to play outside as much as possible while it's still warm! I agree, it's so nice how good of naps the kids take after being out in the sun or playing with friends.
Sounds like you have been having fun! Evan's poor head. I love when your kids try being big helpers, it makes life so worth it!
I love the picture chasing after the chicken!
Sounds fun! Good memories!
The girls had so much fun!!! In fact, they are still talking about it almost a week later! I love the pictures, so cute (especially Evan and the water, and Lauren vs. the chicken). We need to get together again...sooner than later :)
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