Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I love my husband

Let me just start off by saying just how much I love Chad. He is always making me laugh. I love his little quirks just as much (maybe even more) then when I married him. One of his quirkiest quirks is that he is very very good at demolition, but not so much at construction. If the road to life is paved with good intentions, then Chad has a very well paved road. Our house is full of half finished projects. He tore out cupboards in the kitchen without anyway of fixing it when he was done, he started to demo the conversation pit..and it is still in limbo. And my demolition man was at it again the other day.

We have this apple tree in our backyard that was severly over grown. Chad got this amazing idea (which is a good idea) to trim the tree. Which he did beautifully. He just forgot that we have no where to put the branches and no way to transport said branches to a more appropriate location.

The good news is...Lauren and Evan can now climb on tress without me worring that they will fall out and break their arms. The bad news...well, that might be all that they can do in the backyard for awhile. I love you Chad.


Unknown said...

Yup. That's my cousin.

Our Story said...

LOL I love that. Got to love those jobs that just don't get finished all the way.