I think that they turned out real good. They had lots of fun making them, but alas..even eggs the color of slim couldn't make my kids try them. They liked the ham and toast though. It was worth a try.
I was a bad bad mom this year and I totally forgot about Easter. Well, I didn't FORGET, it just snuck up on me. Lauren came bounding down the stairs on Easter morning..so excited and so ready for her Easter basket. And then there is me, feeling like the worst kind of mother to let Easter come upon me without so much as a single peep buried in neon green plastic grass. How could I do such a thing. In my defence, I am working 5 days in a row, with a double on Saturdays. But still, I felt like a heel! You know those old Looney Tune cartoons where someone holds up a picture of a donkey, then a heel, and maybe even a screw ball? That was me Easter morning. She has yet to get an Easter basket. I need to get on that one because she asks for one every day. But I did manage to dye eggs with her on my first day off after Easter.
I feel so bad sometimes lately. I crazy miss my kids so much and feel like I just don't have enough time with them. And when I do have days off, I am so tired that I just don't feel like a present good mom. I want to take advantage of this summer, Lauren's last before she enters school. But I really am so tired all the time. I miss seeing my friends and getting to go places. I miss seeing Chad because right when he comes home from work, I have to go. And I get home so late at night. But, on the up side, we have half out debt paid off already. I am hoping by years end, we will be debt free and I can go back to being a mom. This work experence has taught me that there is no other place I would rather be then home with my family. Next time I decided to spend my time away from my family, I want it to be because I am going to school to get a degree. I never want to forget an other Easter again. Or anything else that my little girl finds important.
So sorry, I can't imagine how you must feel right now. You're working your butt off and no one is going to fault you for that. Just sucks sometimes when you don't have the time. You're not a bad mom.
Lots of Love,
I forgot easter too! Well, i had it all to put together - but forgot to do it. Aidan cried that the bunny didn't come and I "hurried and found where the baskets were hidden by the bunny"! Maybe it's cause we work? But we do what we have to do!
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