Sunday, November 4, 2012

Day Two

Day two: Dude, have you seen my husband? If you had then you would know what I am thankful for today. He has seen my dark side, but the force is strong with us...and he loves me despite the dark side of me. (I have a good side too, I promise). He has unplugged me from the Matrix. And there is no one else on earth I would rather go treasure hunting with while some crazy family of murderers chase us. I just love him, and I am so lucky to be Mrs. Chad Triplett.
Rain or shine, there is no one I would rather navigate the peaks and valleys with then Chad. Some one once asked me who my "maybe guy" is. I was like, "dude, whats a Maybe Guy?" And they were all, "You know..the guy you think maybe if things were different you might have been with." I was a little astonished that people have maybe guys, I don't. Before I met Chad I was worried that I met "the one" on a bus or at the mall somewhere and I just let him walk out of my life. But once I met Chad, all thoughts of that nature where gone. I have a feeling that if I did screw things up with Chad and he did walk out of my life then, he would have become my maybe guy. But lucky for me I don't have a maybe guy, I have my guy.
He is such a good dad. Here he is teaching Evan how to change the oil. I once said to him that I would choose him over any one else. I never knew then that that promise would be tried and tested, but it was. And I stayed true to that promise I made him that day, and on the day that we were married. I have lost some, but I have gained so much more. I truly believe that there is nothing that Chad and I can't accomplish together.
He tries so hard to help me with all that I need. I know that I am not perfect and I am sure that at times I drive him crazy with my girly ways, but he wants me to be happy and trys to meet all my needs. What more could a girl ask for? I am so thankful for my husband. So so grateful. How many girls can say that they get to marry their one true love? This girl can.
(this last picture is just because it makes me laugh, and it reminds me of Chad)

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