I am in love with words. As long as I can remember, from the time that I was a child, I have always loved words. When I hear a new one, I say it over and over again, getting the feel of it on my tounge. I use it through out the day untill it has become a part of me.
Ubiquitous! Verisimilitude! Bilk! And Tom Cruse's favorite,
Glib! I love how words can change the world around us, and how they live on long after the author of those words has turned to dust.
"Give me Liberty or give me death!" "Let them eat Cake!" "It wasn't me, it was the one armed man!" Words can tear your heart out and cut you to the core the way that a sword never could. They can also change your life and make you cry tears of joy.
"Will you marry me?" "It's a girl/Boy!" And my personal favorite,
"I love you." I am a collector of words. Book shelves in my home are covered with works by Dumas, Hugo, and even Tolstoy. When I open a book, it is like coming home, no matter where I am at. Sometimes, they aren't so flattering. Like the time I lost control on a hill during the winter time on my way to the gym. I taught Lauren a new phrase that day
"Oh S!#T". To show me how smart she is and how quick she learns, she proceeded to repeat that phrase over and over again in a sing-song voice all the way to the nursery. I was just praying the whole time that either A) she would move on to something ealse to say or B) No one would understand her little toddler voice. Ironicly, her first word was Diaper. It has always been a dream of mine, since I learned the word
author, to become one. I can't think of a more enjoyable way to earn money then to tell people your thoughts and get paid for it!! That will never happen. I have no degree or conections. But I have found an outlet for the words that build up inside of me screaming to get out, my blog. I have decided to write a weekly collume on the mussings I have in life. Be it about being a wife and mother, or maybe even thoughts on world events. I would love to have people feel like they are not alone in their struggles. No ones life is perfect. The perfect man, children, job, house, or hair only exsits in novels. If walls could talk, people would see that everyone has a messy life. Maybe through words, I could fulfill my dream of touching someones heart and letting them know that I understand. And if I don't understand, maybe through my words, they would know that-at the very least-I care so much.