Thursday, June 19, 2008

Night Terrors

After the teeth are bushed and the prayers are said, after the books are read and the covers tucked, you expect your little ones to drift off in the land of Blink and Nod. But sometimes there little minds are not filled with cloudy wonders, but instead filled with stormy rages. Not all the time, but maybe once every two months, Lauren wakes up screaming. Chad and I still have not gotten out of her what it is exactly that she dreams about to bring on these episodes. Her eyes are usually blank and distant and she won't let Chad or I hold her to calm her down. I think that she isn't fully awake when we come running. It usually takes a good hour, maybe more to get her calmed down enough to go back to sleep, and I will most likely end up in her small little toddler bed, holding her untill her breathing evens out. It breaks my heart to see complete terror in her eyes and I really don't know where these dreams come from. I wish nothing more then angelic dreams for my little angel, but it isn't always the case. At least it is only every so often and not every night.


Rachael said...

Hayden had a bad dream a few days ago... I really don't like seeing terror in his eyes. I scares me. But he isn't ever fully awake while he's screaming so I try not to pick him up. I just make sure he has his favorite stuffed animal (Mumble). Cover him with his favorite blanky and cuddle him while sitting on the floor.

Jesse, Jesse's Mom, brothers and sisters are sleep walkers. I have heard so many horror stories about messing with someone that is sleep walking. That I wont try to remove Hayden from where he is when he's screaming.

The reason Hayden has Mumble is because while I was growing up I was told that if you have a favorite toy. That if you are having a night mare you can imagine it in your dream and have it save you.

So Hayden takes Mumble with him anywhere that even slightly scares him and says " Mumble will tutect (protect) me". But we also tell him that if he is scared that he doesn't need to be, because Mumble is right there with him.

Michelle said...

I think Marie used to wake up like that when she was little, that's what my Mom said at least. Colby woke up frantic like that, but only once, it was soooo sad. I'm sorry :( It's so sad when theres not much you can do. Hopefully her night terrors go away soon :).

Kelly said...

Oh my, your kids are getting so big! I am sorry about the nightmares! Riley often has nightmares too, but not as dramatic! We usually find out it has something to do with a show she watched! Poor Lauren, Mommy, and Daddy!:(

Unknown said...

Poor little thing. I hope she doesn't remember the nightmares after she wakes up.

Missy said...

Cade had one the other night too. I let him sleep with us and he talked about it for two days after. Hopefully she won't have any more it's so hard for them to understand.

Collings Family said...

I heard that geniuses get night terrors a lot because their brains take on so much during the day its overload when it comes to dream time. I wouldn't doubt a bit that Lauren is in fact a genius. Poor little thing, they sound so scary.

Our Story said...

So sorry about the night Terrors that is so hard to see a child go through that. Kyla has bad dreams and comes into our room in the middle of the night. The only thing is she eather won't tell us what they were about or can't. Eather way it's hard so see any child go through that. Thanks for your comment on my blog sorry I didn't get back to you until now. I just figured out how to read my comments and how to send you one. I can't believe how big your kids are getting.