Friday, December 25, 2009


Lauren is super smart. She amazes us sometimes with the things she says. We have never talked baby talk to her and whenever possible, we try to answer her questions with age appropriate true answers. As a result, her vocabulary is very advanced for her age and she is super smart (or I might just be a proud Mama Bear) Out of the blue the other day she said to me:

LAUREN: The sun is a star
ME:Yep, your right..
LAUREN: And it is made of hydrogen and helium
ME: Again, baby, your right.
LAUREN: So is Jupiter, but it is a planet and not a star.
ME: What makes it a planet and not a star? (I know she know the answer because we talked about it just the day before, so I thought she was going to tell me why Jupiter was a planet and not a star-I mean the answer that you learn in school, but she suprised me yet again)
LAUREN: Because Heavenly Father said to the sun 'you be a sun' and he said to Jupiter 'you be a planet'.

She may not be far off with that answer! She is so smart that the girl even knows that Santa isn't real (because it is not "logical" as she would say). She is under strict orders not to tell any of her friends that Santa is just "plastic". So one Sunday, she was sitting by a friend during sacrament meeting who was ethusiasticly telling Lauren how excited she was that "Santa is coming soon." Lauren just looked at her and said, "Um, Ok. If you say so."

I love my cute girl. I think I will keep her.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Lauren is seriously says the cutest things! She is such a smart and cute little girl!